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The PA-SYS-ONE is our proven and trusted plug ‘n’ play solution offering high quality audio reproduction in a simple, absolutely reliable format.
Comprising two T24N tops and four B30 subwoofers the PA-SYS-ONE is recognised and welcomed wherever it’s used - and all this with the need of just one optional SYSRACK-L (Lab.gruppen) or SYSRACK-X (Powersoft). The system’s compact and modular design means that a complete rig can be easily transported in the back of a van, unloaded and set up by just one person. It’s just one of the many reasons why the PA-SYS-ONE has become the dependable choice of touring bands, small to medium sized venues, theatres, houses of worship and even open-air events.
And if you need more power, simply add another PA-SYS-ONE – the system’s modularity allows you to construct the PA solution you require without compromising on quality. Alternatively just extend the system in the infra bass range with the inclusion of BSX subwoofers and additional amplifiers.
For all these reasons and more, the PA-SYS-ONE is a TW AUDiO classic.
Press reviews of the German magazine Production Partner (read the full article here):
"With a subwoofer the system was really amped up, producing a high-end sound with the dynamics of a live performance. At this point, it was pure enjoyment to use the system and even the sceptics could not find any criticism."
"...and every person present could imagine the applications for which the systems are best suited for: Club gigs, DJ acts, events in marquees, speech amplification over long distances, installations of all sizes..."
"Particularly striking was the system’s sound, which remained pleasant even at very high levels, and tonal balance."
Summary: "…loudspeaker construction in highest perfection on all levels."
Referencias PA-SYS-ONE
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