
TWAUDiO welcomes Thomas Vestergaard as senior education and training specialist

TW AUDiO is delighted to announce the appointment of Thomas Vestergaard, a well-known figure within the international sound reinforcement community, he will play key roles in both customer product training, application and education.

Thomas Vestergaard brings a wealth of experience to his new position, having held high-profile positions over the course of a career of more than two decades. A sound engineer at heart, he has worked as technical sales manager and senior application engineer for internationally respected brands, earning a world-class reputation for both his expertise and skill as a communicator.

His appointment marks the continued expansion of the global TW AUDiO family, and a further deepening of the company’s commitment to providing the highest levels of customer service, industry education and partner training.
“TW AUDiO continues to grow, and I am proud to say that we are attracting the best and the brightest to come and join us,” commented TWAUDiO General Manager Marco Deinl. “Thomas is an extremely well-liked and very respected member of the industry, and we are certain that he will become quickly a valued and important member of our team. The two things that matter most at TW AUDiO are achieving the very best audio quality in our loudspeakers and making sure that our customers get the best possible service – Thomas will help us to continue realising both of those goals.”


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