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Netz über TW AUDiO

Harry Bishop
Head of H Pro Sound Ltd., UK
"Ich war auf der Suche nach einer neuen Marke für mein Soundsystem. Ich war seit vielen Jahren bei (einem anderen deutschen Hersteller), einem sehr guten Hersteller, und ich habe nach etwas anderem gesucht. Ich wurde auf TWAUDiO aufmerksam und ich konnte tatsächlich einen A/B-Test für die beiden Systeme durchführen.
Es stellte sich heraus, dass TW mein klarer Favorit war.
Ich hatte auch das Gefühl, dass - da ich ein junges Unternehmen habe und TWAUDiO ebenfalls ein junges Unternehmen ist - ich gemeinsam mit ihnen wachsen kann.
Die Qualität dieses Kits steht außer Frage. Es ist fantastisch und jeder liebt es, und ich glaube, dass es eine Menge Potenzial hat."

Chris Madden
“The VERA36 performed brilliantly during Anastacia’s show. Her voice is very powerful and can be difficult to manage at times, especially between 2 and 4 kHz. Nonetheless VERA36’s mid-high range stayed smooth and the sound suffered no loss throughout the entire performance.”

Kaspar "Tropf" Wiens
"At first I was skeptical whether that will work out fine, seeing that few material. But already the first impression after the push of the first fader made me more confident.
Coverage was perfect and I had a lot of fun. I didn’t miss anything!"

John McEntee
Owner TEI Entertainment
“This is the best sound system that we have ever had in 32 years of Summerfest and 58 years of Bruno’s Spring Fest. We have been in the concert business for over five decades, producing more than 2,000 events and TW AUDiO’s state-of-the-art technology is superior to anything we have previously rented.”

Ben Findlay
"I was absolutely happy with the performance of the PA. The sound was very clear and balanced across the entire frequency range, leaving plenty of headroom."

Mike Goodreau
“TW AUDiO surpasses all the other loudspeaker lines we use. We’ve started buying TW and phasing out our other loudspeakers. I just sold one system, and I am offering other systems for sale because TW AUDiO has eclipsed all of them. It’s not only how great they sound but also how they’re packaged, the amplification and processing, and their compact size and light weight. TW AUDiO makes fantastic stuff, and I’m so impressed.”

Si Chai
Creative Director der Chai Wallahs & Diplomats of Sound
"Ich habe nirgendwo anders etwas Besseres gehört. Ich mag die Art und Weise, wie man sich aus der Entfernung noch unterhalten kann und trotzdem von Klang umgeben und verschlungen ist - gerade so laut, dass man richtig mitfiebern und genießen kann. Ich glaube nicht, dass es etwas Vergleichbares gibt. Ich glaube, es könnte sich durchsetzen."

Jan Niklas Volk
System Engineer of PS Sound for NENA, XAVIER NAIDOO, AVANTASIA, MILOW...
“The S33 delivered the punch and the BSX added the feeling, all of which gained a lot of recognition from the visiting front of house engineers.“

Achim Köhler
“Circus tents in general are always tricky when it comes to sound. However, this system was perfectly measured, had great low mids, superb intelligibility and a fantastic bass sound. It’s a great PA.”

Matthew Thomas Philip
System engineer of Star Sound for DAUGHTRY
“This system really rocked! We will definetly use it again.”

Luke Potter
Stage Manager, Musical Director, Musiker
"Ich mache keinen Hehl daraus, dass es das beste Soundsystem der westlichen Hemisphäre ist. Ich glaube wirklich, dass es das ist! In den Jahren, in denen wir mit (einem anderen deutschen Hersteller) gearbeitet haben, war es wirklich toll, der Sound war warm, es war erstaunlich gut bei niedriger und hoher Lautstärke und Harry Bishop, der immer unser Chef war, kam letztes Jahr zu uns und sagte: "Ich glaube, ich habe etwas noch Besseres gefunden! Wir sagten: Ja, nee ist klar! Und dann haben wir es uns angehört und dachten:
Es ist wirklich besser!"

Philip Johnson
FOH O.C. Music Fest
"This was my first-time using TW AUDiO and I can say that it was very impressive – I really enjoyed mixing on this rig. The fans’ reaction was extremely positive – after ever set people would stop by to say how much they loved it."

Brian J. Simon
“Tough system!”

Stuart Roberts
Manager SRD Group
“I believe we delivered the best sound quality the event has ever had.
I was very impressed."

Bruce Jones
“I was really happy with the system!”

Ansel Calleja
Founder Soinua, system engineer for LA RAÍZ
“The extreme flexibility was a big plus, as we had 120 metres to cover. Devices like the VERA36 and the S33 are very light and flexible, so it was very easy to manage in terms of weight, people power and set up. You can build longer arrays with very easy rigging. Also, the VERA36 has very good dispersion for long distance, with a clear and present sound. And the system behaved wonderfully with the rain. It was completely free of problems. Thanks a lot TW. The system provided great coverage, tonal balance and coherence for all the audience.”

James Cooper
Managing Director Flipside Soundsystem
"At Flipside, we have a lot of respect for the brands that are out there but we don’t want to just offer the same old names; we prefer to offer what we genuinely believe is the best. For example, the B14i sub – I don’t know of another product that can do the same thing. What you can achieve with it is phenomenal. So using TW AUDiO for these projects was a no-brainer.”

Bjørn Steen Andersen
Founder BSA Sound, system engineer for D-A-D
“We already used a TW AUDiO system at last years’s Høje Bøge Festival. So we knew that we have a system with a very impressive sound performance. And with an act like D-A-D we had to make sure we deliver a system that is reliable and consistent in its sound quality. Which we achieved as everybody was absolutely pleased with the clear sound.”

Joe Chidiac
Managing Director Pulse Middle East
“With the TW AUDiO speakers, adjustments to equalisations were kept to a minimum as they sound great straight out of the box."

Ernst Seider
“Just hearing the first three channels at the sound check told me that this system does exactly what I expect of a good PA. For a system this size the overall performance is excellent, with audible dynamics created by plenty of headroom and low mids. I definitely wouldn’t have expected that. It meant that I was able to achieve GOTTHARD’s unique sound for the audience.”

Alexey Ramazov
Managing Director Stage Equipment Moscow
“There was no argument at all about the brand choice, it had to be TW AUDiO. This complex project turned out perfectly and the client is 100% satisfied, as are the guests of Sochi casino itself.”

Weston Blaha
“What’s important to me is having a system that’s punchy enough for metal, and I liked the headroom that was available in the TW AUDiO system. It’s very pleasing – the overall sound of the system and especially the bass was impressive.”

David Ferri
“In my opinion VERA36 is one of the very few line arrays that can handle the huge dynamic range and very high energy level that La Raiz delivers. With 11 performers on stage, the mix can get busy, so I need to create space for them all – VERA36 has the clarity and power to achieve that. This PA rocks!”

Steve Jones
Managing Director ASYS Events
“The contacts that we’ve made as a result of buying the TW AUDiO system and the support that we’ve received from the company itself have really taken us from one level to another.”

Rory Aungier
“I was blown away by the power and quality of VERA36 – I did not expect that the quantity of boxes installed could produce such extensive and even coverage.”

Rupert Doogan-Hobbs
Operations Director Liz Hobbs Group
“After two days on the (Newark-) festival site we were absolutely thrilled with the coverage. It’s a nice system with very smooth audio and it’s exactly right for the crowd we wanted, so we’re very pleased.”

Nicholas Thomas Philip
Co-Director Drum Asia for EXTREME
“We are extremely pleased with the performance of the TW AUDiO VERA36 speakers – the EXTREME concert really rocked. Most importantly, VERA36 did all the talking for our company and made us look great. We expect repeat business from this promoter!”

Andreas Nabrotzky
Technical Director Kunstpalast Düsseldorf
“The decision to opt for TW AUDiO was not only because of the outstanding and natural sound of the VERA20 system during the shoot-out, but also due to the very collegial, inspiring and team orientated manner of TW AUDiO right from the start.
The TW AUDiO team has been very supportive with their application experience and were a constant inspiration in terms of innovative thinking throughout the entire installation period.”

Dan Sennett
"While touring you don’t always get whats on your rider, sometimes you are presented with something you have never heard of before. While on tour July 19th with Joss Stone we played Winterbach festival and this was one of those occasions where myself and my brother Christian Sennett - who is Joss’s production manager & monitor engineer - were presented with TW AUDiO for both FOH and monitors.
The venue was a 4-5,000 cap. bigtop tent, so plenty of reflections to deal with. But after firing it up and going through my normal sound check songs the first signs where good. Super clear with a tights low end with loads of punch.
I would say the system was one of the best I’ve used in such a reflective space - there was constant clarity and it was a pleasure to mix on.
I look forward to seeing VERA36 again out on the road and working with TW AUDiO in the future."

Samy Chams
Founder of Prospect Design, Interior designer for GOTHA CANNES
"TWAUDiO do more than sell a sound system, they sell a design. The sound is perfect, there are no delays inside or outside, just everyone listening to the same audio experience."

Guillaume Brilland
“I really like the system, it’s very natural, I didn’t really need EQing the system after all. And there was always plenty of headroom.”

Neo Yang
System engineer of Phuc Trinh for RAVOLUTION MUSIC FESTIVAL 2016
“The show lasted for nine hours, so a reliable system was most important. As I have worked with Star Sound from Korea before, I knew the TW AUDiO products and was sure to succeed with this system.”

Berthold Blocher
Manager of PML, System engineer for Tobymac, Crowder, Outbreakband
“We were under extreme time pressure considering all the bands wanting to do a proper soundcheck. But thanks to the unique 3-point-rigging system of VERA36 we were able to rig the system very easily and quickly. With the little number of speakers we deployed, the required SPL was easily matched and the sound engineers were very happy with extensive headroom which delivered all the dynamics.”

Joey Choi
System engineer of Star Sound for RAVOLUTION MUSIC FESTIVAL 2017
“The overall sound was loud and clear but not harsh - perfect to listen to the music for a long time. The TW AUDiO system is my preferred choice for any production."

‘Wak’ Mohd Zaidi Mohamed Taib
TV3 audio director
“I was sceptical when I first saw the setup, and couldn’t believe such small boxes were enough to cover the audience of 8000 people. But at the soundcheck I was standing 80-90 meters away from the stage, smiling. What can I say? It is all there, all the frequencies, all the instruments, everything is clear and defined. This PA sounds really great.”

Muhammad Zunnun
TV3 audio executive and monitor mix
“There was so much level and quality coming out of the speakers, really amazing. The musicians were impressed by the sound on stage.”
Testimonials, Jazzaldia Festival

John A. Baker
FOH Earth, Wind & Fire Experience
“This was the first time we used TW AUDiO. Usually we have K1, K2, E15 or J at our shows. Therefore I was really impressed when I realized that VERA36 is just a 2× 10” system. Also the definition and equal coverage in the sub area was phenomenal. One of the best subs I have ever worked with. Really great stuff.”

Guy Remy
FOH Jimmy Cliff
“TW AUDiO has a very good system there. I was really comfortable working with it.”

Igor Guttierrez Betondo
FOH Gregory Porter
“Several times I have had the opportunity to work with VERA36. The size related to the output is unique. One hundred meters behind the FOH desk you still have the entire audio spectrum. Absolute clarity and intelligibility.”

Elvis Elfstrom
“I have to admit that I have not heard of TW AUDiO before. We did the soundcheck and all my doubts vanished and the show was a great sound experience. There was plenty of headroom and the overall performance of the system was really good.”

Ingo Thürauf
“Our program is fairly dense and not exactly tame, which demands quite a lot from the PA. I’m used to bigger equipment, but this compact system did a very good job here and did what I wanted it to.”

Nicholas Thomas Philip
Co-Director Drum Asia for EXTREME
“We are extremely pleased with the performance of the TW AUDiO VERA36 speakers – the EXTREME concert really rocked. Most importantly, VERA36 did all the talking for our company and made us look great. We expect repeat business from this promoter!”

Harry Tröger
“I’ve mixed a few Amadeus Rocks concerts now using VERA10. The system always has a nice soft and direct sound with excellent resolution, very Hi-Fi-like. For this event I wanted a cardioid subwoofer arrangement to have less bass on the stage and for the orchestra. That was achieved really well. We had cleanly-defined bass pressure with depth across the whole audience area and a nice quiet stage.”

Seokwoo Choi
“It’s amazing how fast we could rig VERA36 even though we were using the system for the first time. The clarity of tone and speech intelligibility in the mid-high range were really impressive, so clear that we could hear every breath the soprano took and the smallest details of the orchestra. VERA36 was the perfect choice for this classical concert, as the system’s compact dimensions are just as important for this kind of event.“

Frank Nachtigall
Managing Director Toneheads
“The VERA10 system makes PA-system life so much easier because we can achieve optimal results with very little material. The system is inconspicuous, compact, sounds like a huge Hi-Fi system and still offers enough sound level reserves. Exactly the right tool for our PA-system jobs.“