
TWAUDiO celebrates Mediatech debut – South Africa

Taking place once every two years, Mediatech is the established trade show gateway into the southern African entertainment technology market. Running from July 17 – 19, the 2019 edition had a new addition to its focused floorplan in the form of TWAUDiO.

The German audio innovator’s presence at the show was twofold. First it had an extensive product display on the booth of its Zimbabwean partner, Hardsound Pro Audio, which gave Managing Director, Bernhard Wüstner, and System Engineer, Augustine Edward, the opportunity to explain the technology behind TWAUDiO’s signature sound to interested visitors who flocked to the display.

In addition to this, the brand also took part in daily demonstrations as the leading draw in the outdoor live sound demo area. Here, large crowds on each day were amazed by the clarity and depth produced by the T24N cabinets supported by both the Vera S33 and BSX subwoofers, and TWAUDiO was regularly named as the best-sounding system on display.

“We see Africa as a big market for us in the future, so we had to come to Mediatech,” said Wüstner. “The feedback that we have had is excellent. People have told us that they love the sound and they also have detailed questions about the technology.

“For us, live sound demos are always the key so that potential customers have the chance to listen and compare us to our competitors,” he continued. “It is always important that we can present and play our speakers so that people get a much better idea of what it is all about.”

Reflecting on a successful show, Wüstner had no complaints about Mediatech 2019. “It is perfect to be here and we will definitely be back.”


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